The Entrepreneurial God

An M3 Weekly Book Review

What is (or should be) the ultimate foundation of our identity as entrepreneurs? In The Entrepreneurial God: A Study Guide, Donald McGilchrist leads the reader through an exploration of the scriptures to discover how that foundation is the nature of God as the master creator.

The Entrepreneurial God weaves together McGilchrist’s insights, scriptural passages, and open-ended reflection questions, arranged in four chapters. Each chapter addresses the expression of God’s entrepreneurial nature in one of the “plot movements” of the scriptures:

  • Study 1: “The Original Start-up – Launching the World” explores God’s entrepreneurial activity in the creation of the world and his “job description” for humanity given in the Creation Mandate (Genesis 1:26-28).
  • Study 2: “Building Enterprises in a Broken World” leads the reader through the scriptural account of the fall, including sin’s effects on our work, and God’s merciful persistence to covenant with fallen humanity.
  • Study 3: “Enterprises and the Gospel” addresses how God’s redemption through his son reconciles us to him and also “orients us to the lordship of Christ in every area of life,” which includes our workplaces and entrepreneurial endeavors.
  • Study 4: “The Culmination of Enterprises” shows how, in the new creation, we experience the restoration and consummation of all things, a gloriously perfect destination for God’s grand enterprise.

We can think of no better Bible Study resource for understanding how entrepreneurial identity and activity are rooted in God’s nature and work. The Entrepreneurial God is especially suited for small group study, and we incorporate it as a key resource in the introductory sessions of our M3 Cohorts.

Verse(s) of the Week:

For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. Colossians 1:16-17 (NIV)

Let’s meditate today on the truth that all things were created in Christ, and that in him, all things hold together. Let’s pray that God would guide us to a fuller realization of all the implications of this truth.

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