
Author Antony Bell describes the values of an organization as being like guardrails that keep you on track as you journey along the road toward the ultimate vision of your organization.

As we at US Navigators Missional Enterprise work with business leaders, we are guided by the principles inherent in the concept of Abad, a biblical Hebrew word that highlights the integration of work, service, and worship (explained in more detail in a previous edition of M3 Weekly).1

The letters of the word Abad provide an acrostic for the four core values we are committed to:

  • Abide in Christ – we live as dependent, Spirit-led, Word-based, faithful, and courageous stewards, not as independent owners.
  • Build Triple-Bottom-Line Enterprises – we make disciples of Christ and a difference in the community, as well as make a profit.
  • Ally with One Another – we work and learn in community, not in isolation; we are relational, supportive, participatory, and interdependent.
  • Disciple Life-to-Life – we share our lives, not just words or programs; we are intentional and holistic.

While we have discussed these principles in previous M3 Weekly editions, we will review and provide greater detail concerning each of these values in the coming weeks.

How do these values resonate with you? How would you describe the non-negotiable values to which God has called you as you lead the enterprise he has entrusted to you?

Verse(s) of the Week:

“ . . . But as for me and my household, we will serve (abad) the LORD.” Joshua 24:15 (NIV)

Let’s make this proclamation our prayer and commitment this week, in our lives and in the businesses God has entrusted to us to steward.

1 Abodah (sometimes written Avodah) is the noun form, from the root verb abad (or avad).

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