Welcome to M3 Weekly
A newsletter for encouragement, insight, and connections for your missional enterprise journey.
Our goal for the M3 Weekly newsletter is to bring fresh encouragement, insights, and connections to your email inbox every week that will help inspire and equip you in your journey in leading a missional enterprise.
When we say “missional enterprise” we are referring to a business that wants not only to achieve financial success but also to accomplish spiritual transformation in the lives of people and make a positive impact in the community.
In other words, a missional enterprise strives to Make a Profit, Make Disciples of Jesus, and Make a Difference!
Not one bottom line, but a triple bottom line. We call it “M3.”
The Heart of the Triple Bottom Line
The triple bottom line is derived from the three great mandates of scripture:
- The Creation Mandate to be fruitful, increase, fill, subdue, rule, work, and care
- The Great Commission to make disciples of all nations
- The Great Commandment to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and love our neighbors as ourselves

Stay tuned . . .
Starting next week, we’ll be bringing to your attention some great resources to encourage and equip you as you steward what the Lord has entrusted to you in your missional enterprise adventure.
We do not want to clutter your inbox with useless or overwhelming content!
So, we will endeavor to keep each edition short and tightly focused on resources and information addressing the triple bottom line, and our values of life-to-life impact, stewardship, and community.
M3 Weekly is brought to you by the leadership of the US Navigators Missional Enterprise, the Business-As-Mission ministry of the Navigators. You can learn more about us on our website.