Make a payment

M3 Cohort Membership Fees

Please enter your membership fee payment amount in “Custom Amount” and write in your “M3 Cohort Identifier” provided by your M3 Facilitator.

I understand that the M3 Cohort purpose is to connect, resource, and develop business owners and entrepreneurs to become and grow as Triple Bottom Line missional enterprise practitioners.

My M3 Cohort will be led by a certified M3 Facilitator who is trained in missional enterprise, coaching, and facilitating group interaction and learning. My cohort will be supported by The Navigators Missional Enterprise with resources, tools, curriculum, and administration.

Interested in making a charitable contribution to the M3 Cohort scholarship fund to support new entrepreneurs?

Click here to make a donation

Payment Info

Note: this is not a tax-deductible donation and can be used as a business expense