Heavenly Supply Chains

God’s Provision for the Work: The Final Installment in a Four-Part Series on Entrepreneurial Leadership

In the last two years, world events have elevated what was previously just a niche business term to the news headlines: Supply Chains.

This attention highlights the ever-present importance of having a sufficient and efficient supply of resources and capital for successful enterprises.

Over the last four weeks, we’ve been exploring how King David’s commissioning of his son Solomon to build the temple of God 1 beautifully illustrates four truths of enterprise leadership. Having already focused on the person of Solomon to lead the workthe plan for the temple, and the people God raised up for the work of building the temple, we conclude today with David’s recounting to Solomon all the provision God supplied in materials to construct the temple.2

“Their Offering to the Lord”

In this account, David cites the gold, silver, bronze, iron, wood, and precious stones he contributed for the building of the temple. He goes on to name all the materials offered by the rulers, princes, commanders, and overseers. And the people rejoiced that they had offered all this provision so willingly, “for they made their offering to the LORD with a whole heart”. 3 It’s a magnificent story of God moving in the lives of people to give joyously for His work.

God will move people to resource the startup and growth of the businesses that God has called us to build. As Paul reminds us, “God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”4 If our businesses are being built according to God’s plan, then God will deliver on His promise what is needed to accomplish His desires. He “is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine”. 5

Stewards, Not Owners

A missional enterprise practitioner running a manufacturing company in a closed country tells the story of a time when the business needed $180,000 in two weeks to continue operating. As he hopped into bed that night, he said, “God, You’ve got a problem. Your company needs $180,000.” Then he fell asleep. He had a conviction that God would provide for His work through the business.

This story reveals another facet of God’s provision: His ownership. God as the provider is also God the owner, and we simply manage what He has given. This principle of stewardship is central to enterprise leadership. The parable of the talents recounts how the master dispensed resources and expected a return: “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things . . . Come share your master’s happiness.”6 To hear those words, “Well done,” would be music to all our ears, and they come as we faithfully employ God’s bestowment to produce the return God desires from us.

Questions for self-reflection:

  • What has God provided for you to build your business?
  • What additional resources do you need to trust God for?
  • What do you do when what you need seems to be lacking?
  • How do you live out the truth of God as owner and you as the steward of your business?

In these four articles, we’ve seen that God gives the person (us as enterprise leaders), the plan (the business strategy). the people (the partners and employees), and the provision (the capital and resources) for our businesses. May we faithfully steward all these and hear God’s “well done” both now and when we see Him face-to-face.

Verse(s) of the Week:

Consider taking the time today to read through the entire account in 1 Chronicles 29-29, as you consider the self-reflection questions above.

1 1 Chronicles 28-29


2 1 Chronicles 29:2-9


3 1 Chronicles 29:9 (NASB)


4 Philippians 4:19 (NASB)


5 Ephesians 3:20 (NIV)


6 Matthew 25:21 (NIV)


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