Full Of It
The Legacy of a Godly Leader
- “a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 6:5)
- “full of God’s grace and power” (Acts 6:8)
We get a glimpse into Stephen’s heart and spirit in the account of his demeanor as he is being stoned, martyred for the cause of Christ. Even facing death he is still known and remembered as one “full of the Holy Spirit.”3
After the death of Stephen, many in the Jerusalem church are scattered. Acts chapter 11 tells us that Barnabas was sent to serve the church at Antioch. As Barnabas serves the church at Antioch the people there assess Barnabas as “a good man,” a servant who is “full of the Holy Spirit and faith.” As he serves in Antioch, “a great number of people were brought to the Lord.”4 Barnabas too is full of the right things.
What About Me?
Perhaps, if it’s a reference to the right kinds of qualities, we should all long to be described as “full of it.”
Verse(s) of the Week:
In this advent season, as we celebrate the coming of the Word who became flesh, let’s ask the indwelling Christ to fill us with the grace and truth that characterized godly leaders like Stephen and Barnabas.